Every 30 minute, 7 Days; 9.30 am - 5:00 pm

Every 30 minute, 7 Days; 9.30 am - 5:00 pm

African Meeting House in Boston

The African Meeting House, located in Boston, Massachusetts, is a historic building with significant cultural and historical importance. This meeting house was built in 1806 by free African Americans and served as a community center for African-American leaders and activists during the 19th century.


The construction of the African Meeting House resulted from the growing number of free African Americans in Boston during the early 19th century. Many were formerly enslaved people who had gained their freedom and established thriving communities in the city. To have a dedicated space for worship, community gatherings and education, they raised funds and built the Meeting House.


The African Meeting House is at 8 Smith Court in Boston, MA. It is easily accessible by public transportation, and there are several parking options nearby as well. The surrounding Beacon Hill neighborhood is known for its beautiful historic homes, quaint cobblestone streets, and charming shops and restaurants.

Things to do

Visiting the African Meeting House allows you to step back in time and gain a deeper understanding of the struggles faced by free black people in the 1800s. The building now serves as a museum and educational center, offering guided tours, interactive exhibits, and workshops highlighting African-American history and culture.

Some popular activities at the African Meeting House include attending lectures and events, viewing historical artifacts and documents, and participating in cultural celebrations such as Juneteenth and Black History Month.

Nearby Attractions

The African Meeting House is within walking distance of many other historic sites and popular attractions in Boston. Visitors can easily make a day out of exploring Beacon Hill, with stops at the Boston Common, Massachusetts State House, and the Museum of African American History.

Planning a tour with Boston Sightseeing

For those looking for a convenient way to see all of Boston's top attractions, including the African Meeting House, the Boston Sightseeing double-decker bus is a great option. With hop-on-hop-off stops, visitors can easily plan a tour that includes all major historic sites. With informative and enjoyable commentary on the city's history and landmarks, making it a fun and educational experience for all.

Our Tour Packages

Single Ride Pass

Single Ride Pass


Explore Boston in 80 Minutes
  • City Tour Single Ride
  • Double-Decker Bus Tour
  • Hop-on Hop-off
  • Cambridge Tour
  • 80 Minutes Tour
  • 1 Day Validity
  • Shuttle Bus Service
  • Blue Route Tour
  • Night Tour
Hop-On Hop-Off All  Day

Hop-On Hop-Off All Day


Boston City Sightseeing Tour
  • Hop-On Hop-Off Boston Tour
  • Double Decker Bus Tour
  • Unlimited Hop-on Hop-off
  • Hop-on Hop-off Cambridge Tour
  • 80 Minutes Tour
  • 1 Day Validity
  • Shuttle Bus Service
  • Blue Route Tour
  • Night Tour
Hop-On Hop-Off 24 Stops

Hop-On Hop-Off 24 Stops


Hop-0n Hop-Off - Boston & Cambridge Tour
  • Hop-on Hop-off Boston Tour
  • Double-Decker Bus Tour
  • Unlimited Hop-on Hop-off
  • Hop-on Hop-off Cambridge Tour
  • 200 Minutes Tour
  • 1 Day Validity
  • Shuttle Bus Service
  • Blue, Orange, Purple Route Tour
  • Night Tour
Hop-On Hop-Off 2 Days

Hop-On Hop-Off 2 Days


City Tour Highlights With 2 Days Pass
  • Hop-on Hop-off Boston Tour
  • Double-Decker Bus Tour
  • Unlimited Hop-on Hop-off
  • Hop-on Hop-off Cambridge Tour
  • 200 Minutes Tour
  • 2 Day Validity
  • Shuttle Bus Service
  • Blue, Orange, Purple Route Tour
  • Night Tour
Night Tour

Night Tour


Boston's Vibrant Evening Tour
  • City tour Single Ride
  • Double-Decker Bus Tour
  • Hop-on Hop-off
  • Cambridge Tour
  • 75 Minutes Tour
  • 1 Day Validity
  • Shuttle Bus Service
  • Blue Route Tour

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