Every 30 minute, 7 Days; 9.30 am - 5:00 pm

Every 30 minute, 7 Days; 9.30 am - 5:00 pm

Harrison Gray Otis House

Located in the historic neighborhood of Beacon Hill in Boston, Massachusetts, stands a stunning brick mansion - the Harrison Gray Otis House. This National Historic Landmark is a true embodiment of Federal-style architecture and has captured the hearts of visitors for centuries.


The Harrison Gray Otis House was built in 1796 for its namesake, a prominent lawyer who served as a congressman and mayor of Boston. It was designed by noted architect Charles Bulfinch, who also designed the iconic Massachusetts State House. The house has since played a significant role in the shaping of Boston's political and social landscape.

Over the years, the house has been witnessed to many significant events, including hosting President James Monroe and French General Marquis de Lafayette during their respective visits to Boston. It was also home to several influential families, including Harrison Gray Otis' descendants, who continued to add their touches and renovations to the house.

Walk-Through Time

Today, the Harrison Gray Otis House stands as a testament to its past, offering visitors a glimpse into Boston's rich history. The exterior boasts intricate architectural details, while the interior is filled with period furnishings and decor that reflect the lifestyle of its former occupants.

Visitors can take guided tours of the house and learn about the various owners and their impact on Boston's development. You can also explore the gardens, which feature a traditional Federal-era layout and plants that were popular during that time.

Nearby Attractions

Located in the heart of Beacon Hill, there are plenty of things to do near the Harrison Gray Otis House. Take a stroll through the charming streets lined with brick townhouses and quaint shops, or visit the nearby Nichols House Museum to learn more about life in Boston during the 19th century.

Planning Your Tour

For a unique experience, consider planning a tour of Boston with the iconic Boston Sightseeing double-decker bus. You can catch the bus near the Harrison Gray Otis House and take in all of the city's top attractions while riding on an open-air bus.

Our Tour Packages

Single Ride Pass

Single Ride Pass


Explore Boston in 80 Minutes
  • City Tour Single Ride
  • Double-Decker Bus Tour
  • Hop-on Hop-off
  • Cambridge Tour
  • 80 Minutes Tour
  • 1 Day Validity
  • Shuttle Bus Service
  • Blue Route Tour
  • Night Tour
Hop-On Hop-Off All  Day

Hop-On Hop-Off All Day


Boston City Sightseeing Tour
  • Hop-On Hop-Off Boston Tour
  • Double Decker Bus Tour
  • Unlimited Hop-on Hop-off
  • Hop-on Hop-off Cambridge Tour
  • 80 Minutes Tour
  • 1 Day Validity
  • Shuttle Bus Service
  • Blue Route Tour
  • Night Tour
Hop-On Hop-Off 24 Stops

Hop-On Hop-Off 24 Stops


Hop-0n Hop-Off - Boston & Cambridge Tour
  • Hop-on Hop-off Boston Tour
  • Double-Decker Bus Tour
  • Unlimited Hop-on Hop-off
  • Hop-on Hop-off Cambridge Tour
  • 200 Minutes Tour
  • 1 Day Validity
  • Shuttle Bus Service
  • Blue, Orange, Purple Route Tour
  • Night Tour
Hop-On Hop-Off 2 Days

Hop-On Hop-Off 2 Days


City Tour Highlights With 2 Days Pass
  • Hop-on Hop-off Boston Tour
  • Double-Decker Bus Tour
  • Unlimited Hop-on Hop-off
  • Hop-on Hop-off Cambridge Tour
  • 200 Minutes Tour
  • 2 Day Validity
  • Shuttle Bus Service
  • Blue, Orange, Purple Route Tour
  • Night Tour
Night Tour

Night Tour


Boston's Vibrant Evening Tour
  • City tour Single Ride
  • Double-Decker Bus Tour
  • Hop-on Hop-off
  • Cambridge Tour
  • 75 Minutes Tour
  • 1 Day Validity
  • Shuttle Bus Service
  • Blue Route Tour

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